Morning Meditation: Weaving Righteous Anger with Nonviolent Action
Nothing changes, if nothing changes.
Morning Meditation: Weaving Righteous Anger with Nonviolent Action
Breathe in, beloved one.
Let the air fill the space between yesterday’s wounds and today’s resolve.
Hold it there. Feel the weight of what is broken,
the ache of what remains undone.
And now, exhale.
Let it be fuel, not fire—
a steady flame, not a consuming rage.
Anger is not the enemy. It is the voice of love sharpened by truth,
the pulse of justice beating in the marrow of your being.
Today, let your anger be a teacher,
not a tyrant.
Let it carve a path where silence has long reigned.
Let it be fierce, but never reckless.
Let it refuse to bow to violence, even as it refuses to make peace with injustice.
You are not called to be passive.
You are called to be a weaver of repair,
threading courage into the fabric of the world,
stitching resistance with tenderness,
holding the tension of grief and hope,
of rage and love,
of urgency and patience.
This week, may your anger move you to act.
May your action be rooted in love.
And may love, relentless and unwavering,
remake the world—starting here, starting now, starting with you.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
Go forth.