Dear Substack Community: I have survived my first Easter as a local church pastor. I am deeply grateful to be teaching each Sunday and stewarding universal love in all I do. I wanted to bring you attention to this need that arises out of my local context: one of our members granddaughter lost her home and belongings to a fire. Thankfully, she was unharmed, but she is in need to replacing all of her belongings. Can you help? Mutual Aid is the way forward in our broken economic system. If you can give, here is the link!
I am reminded that creation testifies each day to new beginnings. The winter here in New York has been long and though the Spring Equinox has passed, we are still experiencing wintery like symptoms. I don’t know how long this will last, but I’m told that we had a very warm March! We also may have snow in May! Who knows! I remain curious at it all!
I am trying to figure out what my writing schedule will be and how to write what’s happening and transpiring in a way that we are building a theological grammar around becoming and beingness. I hope you will be patient with me as I figure out my new writing schedule. I am no longer on the road speaking, but instead rooted in Alfred, NY living out the teachings of Jesus as best as I am able. In May, Erin and I will be relocating to our own house, which we are really looking forward to doing! We will settle here in Alfred and I will make this context my research area and invest in doing theology in Northern Appalachia. I hope you will join me on this journey as I work to create a Collective Becoming in all things here.
I am super grateful for all the new subscribers! Thank you for joining us here and thank you for being curious with me! On Mondays, I send out a contemplation email for paying subscribers. A way to share my thinking. I also send my sermons, if I have a narrative. Today I will be doing both!
So, upgrade, if you’d like! I hope you’ll stick around!
Onward, —Dr. Roberto Che Espinoza.