I am home from El Salvador, but still struggling with a stomach bug or sorts. It seems as though several of us came home with stomach issues. My preaching wasn’t amazing yesterday because of this issue. So, I thought I’d offer my thoughts here on this Monday post!
Each Monday I write a Contemplative THREADS post. A post to guide our week, an anchor of sorts. Today’s will be about planting seeds.
I read the passage in Mark where Jesus shares a parable. Crowds gather, so he gets into a boat to speak. He tells the parable about seeds able to be planted or not. Some seeds the sun scorches. Others the birds eat. But, a few seeds are planted and flourish. I was asking the congregation what kinds of seeds do we want to plant?
I am reminded that it’s not up to us what happens to the seeds, but we do need to be mindful to plant seeds and do so courageously and faithfully. How might we do that right now? Can we? Do we have the imagination? The courage?
Here’s to another possible world where we seek to be hospitable to difference; relational in deep ways; and, peace loving in all things.
Onward, —Dr. Roberto Che Espinoza